Glue Selection Guide

Tosingraf offers its customers a wide range of hot melt (EVA) and polyurethane (PUR) glues. Below are the main glue properties to help you select the one that best suits your needs.
Hot Melt Glue (EVA)
Hot melt glue is based on EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate). Properties: solid glue, solvent-free, must be heated (170°), can be remelted (the polymer structure remains unchanged in this case, however some heat-resistant components are lost and the glue turns brown):
DCA2013 I Universal glue
Applied to machines with a spreader roller
Suitable for all uncoated paper
Working temperature 170°
DCATAPR Taca Pro I Very high-strength glue
Applied to machines with a spreader roller
Suitable for all uncoated and coated paper up to 170 g (depends greatly on the paper type)
Working temperature 180°
Polyurethane Glue (PUR)
PUR is a hot melt glue, but has a different chemical compound: reactive polyurethane. Properties: solvent-free, needs air to cure (the warmer and more humid the climate is, the faster it cures), cures after 12/24 hours, withstands up to 130° (after which it does not remelt, but is ruined). Since it reacts with the moisture in the paper, PUR glue ensures an excellent grip:
DCA717 / DCA715 / DCA713 glues
Applied to machines with a spreader roller
Applied to machines with a vacuum circuit and by means of pressurised air nozzles
Working temperature 100°/140°
Used with vacuum tanks (it reacts with air and solidifies)
Storage: vacuum packs
It is suitable for all coated and uncoated paper, laminated paper and card, even with high grammage
It is resistant to oils from printing inks
It guarantees elasticity and allows the book to be opened by 180°