Thesis Personalisation Guide

This guide describes the various solutions for printing and personalising thesis covers. These solutions are mainly used in binding, both artisan and industrial, and the paper industry, but also in small photocopying and print centres.
Tosingraf’s specialisation in hot transfer printing has allowed to further increase its product range to cover personalisation of: metal, leather, cork, paper, cardboard, ceramic, parchment and plastic coatings.
Tosingraf offers three different gold printing solutions, depending on the desired trade-off between cost and quality:
1. Heat press
This does not require artworks or printing plates. It is especially suitable for personalising small batches. The investment is minimal: a good heat press and a small supply of transfers specific to the various media on which you intend to work. It is essential to set the correct temperature, duration and pressure for the material being used.
Recommended heat press: HP-MONO. This can be used with any kind of medium: thesis covers, t-shirts, sweatshirts, bags, puzzles, magnets, coasters, cushions and much more. The HP-MONO is equipped with a digital control panel for fast temperature control, timer control with count-down and current temperature reading. The base plate acts as a drawer to conveniently align the objects to be printed. The adjustable pressure is produced with compressed air, which means working with consistent, repeatable results. The pneumatic head allows perfect transfer without shifting effects. The simple closing system with safety buttons and hydraulic opening with gas springs reduces operator fatigue especially with large batches. A professional and reliable machine for heavy daily use.
2. EasyFoil
A great new addition to hot printing, Easyfoil is a digital printer capable of printing foil onto any flat surface directly from a digital file. Connect EasyFoil to your computer, download the software and start printing.
Personalise with the innovative EasyFoil for an impeccable result: theses, books, notebooks, address books, cartons, photo albums, plastic signs and much more. If you are about to present a quotation, contract or yourself at a meeting, with Easyfoil your work will not go unnoticed.
On-screen direct control of the actual print area avoids line overlap errors. Printing is done horizontally from left to right (not vertically), ensuring an even print quality with good “registration” for printed lines up to 380 mm. It is advisable to use only on covers with a smooth, even finish (Smooth leatherette thesis, Morbipel, Style) and with specific Tosingraf foil.
3. Gilder
This is a special accessory that Tosingraf has added to the Roland DE-3 engraver. It features precision and speed to offer the end user greater personalisation options.
The gilder kit consists of a special heated tip that can be easily connected to the moving head of the engraver. Its movement is controlled by the Roland Engrave Studio software, while the unit specially developed and made by Tosingraf sets the tip heating.
Just align your cover/book, cover the part to be printed with the specific foil, and secure it to the plate with simple magnetic clips. As the heated tip of the gilder passes over the foil, it fixes the colour to the print medium, completing the job in just a few minutes. The gilder kit contains three tips of different thicknesses to ensure accurate reproduction of even the smallest details. The gilder kit is best used for printing gold, silver, red, blue, green and white on textured leather and fabric covers (including the spine). It can also be used to personalise: institutional diaries, decorations on greeting cards, and many other media. Rapid disassembly means you can quickly return to the engraving function typical of the Roland DE-3. It is advisable to use only Tosingraf covers.